As I lay 2023 to bed. I want to take a few moments and praise the year. In 2023 in no particular order the following changes took place;
* my youngest child turned 18 and finished high school
* my oldest turned 20, and is loving college life!
* I vacationed for 5 full weeks. Exploring, Puerto Rico, San Diego CA, Iceland, Montreal, New York City and Cape Cod, MA.
* I moved off Peaks Island, Maine and to Portsmouth NH
* I closed my brick and mortar studio after almost 17 years
* I trained new Pilates & barre teachers and were able to hire one of them in NH.
* I took my first job in 20 years working at a Physical Therapy office
* I made new friends
* I attended the wedding of my best friend and the celebration of another special union
* I sold a car, and bought a new to me one
* I attended one broadway show and a few live rock concerts
* I pet many dogs and snuggled even more cats.
Through all these events, big and small, I learned more about myself than any year prior. Be it due to empty nesting or all my life’s recent changes. All I can tell you, is I now more than ever, I am ready to start 2024. I am ready to break away from blanket New Year’s resolutions and actually devise a concrete plan of action. One that gives room for hiccups but holds me accountable. On this basis I developed my Weekly Workouts programs to keep you moving with balance.
In 2024 I hope that BarSculpt will provide you with the barre workouts you desire!
Happy New Year!
❤️ Leslie